Company Profile
TELEPRENEUR CORP. (TPC) is a duly registered 100% Filipino owned company with SEC Reg. no. CS201115301.We are the Leading Company in MLM Direct Selling industry in terms of All Network Load. We have the most efficient and fastest E-loading System. We have a very unique compensation plan coupled with superb IT system which makes Telepreneur the most generous company.
The Incorporators of the Company are well equipped with Multi Level Marketing (MLM) expertise combined with an IT expert in developing MLM system. Every dealer will enjoy its friendly and customer oriented features accessible through SMS facilities. Moreover, the company will ensure the valuable dealer, a smooth obtainable and hassle free business in return of the investment he/she entrusted to the company.
TELEPRENEUR CORP envisions being the top MLM Direct Selling Company. We are vowed to deliver our product efficiently, to be the fastest All Network Loading in the industry today. We are committed to give the best and unique compensation plan to our dealers/distributors.
We visualized our dealers/distributors to be professional entrepreneur in MLM industry. Leadership qualities and ethical values are the pillars of our dealers, distributors, partners, and employees in relating to our customers, retailers and users.
The Company is vowed to excellent service, quality products, and superb compensation plan.
We will consistently develop our system to response to the demands of the dealers in making us the no. 1 All Network Loading in the industry.
We will develop high quality products that are beneficial to our users not just in E-loading but also in everyday life.
We will develop our leaders, dealers and partners to be professional MLM builders, networkers and entrepreneurs.
Thru our unique compensation plan, we will ensure our dealers and partners the financial freedom they dreamed of and a residual income a Multi-level Marketer is looking for.
TPC Leadership & Support Team!
Board of Directors:
Chairman: Dave Lopez
Treasurer: Leonides B. Rellosa
Director: Lorenzo B. Rellosa
Director: Sajiron R. Dayao
Director: Alejandro Libao
Director: Anna Lorraine Rellosa
President: Lorenzo B. Rellosa
Vice President, Marketing: Sajiron R. Dayao
Vice President, Finance: Leonides B. Rellosa
Vice President, Technology: Dave Lopez
Vice President, Operations: Anna Lorraine Rellosa: Concerns about Deposit/Loading, System Problems, Follow-ups on Deposit/Help.
Head, Legal: Reynan Dollison
Logistics: Robinson Ramos, Andres Alindugan: Concerns about Stocks And Deliveries
Stockman: Marieness De leon
Cashier: Delia Javier, Lea Leonila Delos Reyes
Accounting Staff: Venzl Llamado
Accountant: Marvin Munoz, Michael John Reyes
MIS Supervisor: Alland Redaza, Jeffrey Nidoy
MIS Team: Jan Kenneth Javier, Jonathan Pareja, Carlu Morabor, John Wilbert Garcia, Mark Chrison Catalina, Jefferson Nidoy
Marketing Assstant: John Elrey Sardiña
© 2013 by Algen Salomon.