"What makes TPC different"
1. 24/7 Help Desk
You can ask questions or send request thru our SMS 24/7 help desk regarding TPC concerns about loading, compensation and network organization.
2. Income Notification System thru SMS
You will be noticed by TPC of every income that you earn. It is real time notification. You will be noticed of the following income:
Direct Referral (daily)
Pairing Bonus (daily)
Indirect Referral (daily)
Profit Sharing (annually)
Unilevel 1 - Load Consumption (5th of the month)
Unilevel 2 - Product Usage (15th of the month)
Unilevel 3 - Transaction/Notification (20th of the month)
Leadership Bonus (30th of the month)
3. Fastest E-Loading Company in Network Industry
We have the fastest and most effecient e-loading services in the network industry. We continuously develop and update our system to cater to the needs of our dealers and load users. We have several different means or access on loading services.
11-digit Gateways (for all networks)
4483 (for Smart/TNT users)
TPC Sim (Thru Smart/TNT Menu)
4. Most Generous Company in Terms of Compensation Plan
* We have the highest pay out in terms of pairing bonus (Php 700/pair-50pts plus unlimited)
* Silver members can earn from gold entries.
* We have Platinum Package for Local & International entries
5. Realistic and Effecient 3 Unilevel Programs
* TPC has the most realistic and efficient Unilevel program, both with the loading and the tangible products.
* TPC's Unilevel is running effectively, not just in power point presentations, but in reality.
* The residual income we expect in MLM business is not in the future but is our present.
6. Unique Partnership with investors/Stockists
* Investors/Stockists haves a direct line with the company President himself for immediate response to their needs.
* The Company President, If necessary, goes out of his way to attend to the need of the Investors/Stockists.
* Investors/Stockists are considered as our Company's real partners in the business.
* Dealers might come and go but our Stockists will remain as our partners... as our product providers.
7. Unique Unilevel 3
* This is the only Unilevel Income that you literally don't have a choice but to earn.
* This is the only Unilevel Income which doesn't require maintenance to be able to earn.
* This is the only Unilevel Income wherein you're not obligated to sell: it doesn't even have s product.
Travel Incentives:
* Local Tour - When a dealer reach Grand Duke position
* Asian Cruise - When a dealer reach Prince position
Car Incentives:
* Car Incentives - When a dealer reach Emperor position
© 2013 by Algen Salomon.